Pizza and grilling

So, we had family pizza night at my kids’ request but I decided to also throw some boneless skinless chicken breast on the Tuscan grill. I wish I could explain how good it smelled. Tasted great too.


Looks solid tuscan grill great in the oven get some 2" porterhouse steaks
let them air dry for 3 days in the fridge. kosher salt and a bit of pepper
5 to 6 minutes a side and man you are in heaven
Also tell all the people you know who have Ooni ovens you can’t have tuscan grilled
chicken in an ooni Nice work


No one can explain that aroma, but it is a good one.

Thanks for those photos. Also a good reminder that setting up a Tuscan grill is a natural adjunct to baking pizza…

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Amazing oven. Just joined.
Im going to love this site.
In the process of making oven.


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