Hello everyone. I have just finished my hearth and need to apply the 2” insulated layer. I have done it before and it works well. But, I would like to use ceramic fiber insulation board and I have a few question if anyone has had experience with this product. Also, I have 5” to work with inside the square area.
Is sand still needed for the fire brick or can I just lay it on top?
Great looking hearth, the stone work is beautiful!
Forno Bravo pizza ovens appear to use high temperature high compression ceramic fiber board and the improved R value is impressive:
I’ll leave it to experts like @bikerbudmatt regarding the use of it in this oven and your question about the sand floor. I will say that using a screeded sand floor ensures any variations in the hearth surface are smoothed (and can be addressed should any future variations appear).
Good luck with the build and please keep us posted!
A big fat ditto on @CMG 's message, including the part about how gorgeous the stonework looks.
Yes, you absolutely can use the mineral fiberboard insulation in place of poured-in insulation. @BrickWood designed the oven to put the insulation where it counts the most (in the refractory arch above the floor). Both the castable refractory and the homemade mortar-Perlite mix cost significantly less than mineral fiberboard. They will all do the job (which is mainly to create a thermal break between the hearthbrick and the cold concrete underneath), but the Forno product will do a better job and save you curing time.
As for sand, yes, you still need it to level the brick in your hearth. As for the fire brick joints (or crevices), absolutely nothing to seal them. You want them laid in place using a herringbone pattern. This allows the firebrick to expand and contract without putting stress on them. If one breaks, which very occasionally happens, it can be lifted right out of the oven and replaced with a new brick.
Hope this all helps, Rob! Let us know about your experience with the ceramic board.
Thanks CMG! I went ahead and went with the Forno Bravo ceramic board. They have a warehouse here in Ca where I’m located. So it should be speedy. I’ll keep the group posted with progress.
@bikerbudmatt thanks for the knowledge. It really helps out. I’ll keep you posted with progress and details about the board. I have done one previously and mixed the insulation and it worked well. I read these boards are even better so we shall see.