Pizza Dough Recipes?

What’s your favorite pizza dough recipe?

Whats your favorite recipe for when you’re in a hurry?

Best gluten free recipe?

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Follow this link it is for a New Haven Style high hydration crust. At one point a recipe card comes up on the screen. Pause the video and take a picture of it. I’ve made and stretched this crust hundreds of times at the New Haven Pizza school and will cook well in your MBG oven best between 650 and 750 degrees. You we be hard pressed to find a simpler and better recipe than this. Cold fermentation is key!

My wife can be gluten sensitive. I’ve experimented with many gluten free crust recipes and didn’t care very much for any of them. I’ve made both pizza crust and focaccia with this mix. Great results. I advise watching the short YouTube video on handling the dough…good luck

When I’m in a hurry or have lots of people over (10 or more) I buy a pizza crust from a local bakery they sell it to me in 48 oz bag and I scale it ball it myself. Many pizzerias will sell you there dough as well.

I’ve focused on one very popular Neapolitan style dough recipe from Vito Iacopelli Next Level Pizza Dough

I use my stand mixer and the bulk cold ferment always results in great flavor.

I’m a follower of Ken Forkish. Minimal prep, maximum fermentation; amazing Neapolitan crust.

I don’t post here as much as I like too. But I use specifically what DLACROIX posted for new heaven style when I’m entertaining larger groups. And what CMG posted for smaller groups or just me and my wife.